The German Topstar laboratory chairs have been specially developed for use in laboratory and medical environments. The height adjustable swivel chairs without backrest or with low backrest are primarily recommended for laboratory or medical use with easy-to-clean S art. leather upholstery. Thanks to the special design of the chairs and the Body-...
The German Topstar laboratory chairs have been specially developed for use in laboratory and medical environments. The height adjustable swivel chairs without backrest or with low backrest are primarily recommended for laboratory or medical use with easy-to-clean S art. leather upholstery. Thanks to the special design of the chairs and the Body-Balance-Tec® joint, they provide a unique three-dimensional freedom of movement, giving them a new sense of siting comfort. The freedom of movement during the siting
- activates and strengthens the back and spine column
- relieves the intervertebral discs
- stimulates the blood circulation
- improves the concentrativeness
- increases the motivation and commitment.
All laboratory chairs go through tests that meet the highest requirements, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the products. The swivel chairs are tested for 110 kg capacity and have 3 year warranty.
Each Topstar swivel chair has the GS-sign from Intertek in Fuerth and complies in this relation to all security requirements.
Sitness stool / special Orthoseat® seating surface / 3D movable seating / black polyamide base / presented in the showroom Sitness stool special Orthoseat®...
Ipari munkaszék / támla nélküli forgószék / állítható ülésmagasság / rétegelt lemez vagy műbőr ülés / bemutatóteremben kipróbálható Ipari munkaszék támla nélküli...
Sitness stool / special Orthoseat® seating surface / 3D movable seating / alusilver steel base / presented in the showroom Sitness stool special Orthoseat®...
Ipari munkaszék / támla nélküli forgószék / állítható ülésmagasság / műbőr ülés / bemutatóteremben kipróbálható Ipari munkaszék támla nélküli...
Karfa nélküli forgószék / alacsony háttámla / ergonómikus ülés / Body-Balance-Tec® ülésrögzítés / króm lábcsillag / bemutatóteremben kipróbálható Karfa nélküli forgószék alacsony...